Daftar Isi Medical Ebooks volume 9

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Daftar Isi Medical Ebooks volume 9

Alternative Medicine

Abbate SG - The Art of Palpatory Diagnosis in Oriental Medicine (Churchill Livingstone, 2001).pdf
Chaitow L - Naturopathic Physical Medicine (Churchill Livingstone, 2008).pdf
Cooper R - Botanical Medicine-from bench to bedside (Mary Ann Liebert, .pdf
Focks C - Atlas of Acupuncture (Churchill Livingstone, 2008).pdf
Hanson W - The Edge of Medicine-the technology that will change our lives (Palgrave Macmillan, 20.pdf
Ostrom KW - Massage & the Original Swedish Movements (8e, Blakiston's Son & Co, 2000).pdf
Yamell E - Clinical Botanical Medicine (2e, Mary Ann Liebert, .pdf


Anaesthesia 2009 09.pdf
Anesthesia Analgesia 2009 08.pdf
Miller's Anesthesia (7e, Churchill Livingstone, 2009).chm
Sciard DA - Landmarks for Peripheral Nerve Blocks-Upper & Lower Extremities (2e, LWW, 2006).chm
Simulation in Anesthesia (Saunders, 2007).pdf
Stoelting RK - Handbook of Pharmacology & Physiology in Anesthetic Practice (4e, LWW, 2006).chm


Grant's Dissector (13e, LWW, 2005).pdf
Kapit W - The Anatomy Coloring Book.pdf
Zide BM - Surgical Anatomy Around the Orbit-The System of Zones (LWW, 2006).chm


Color Atlas of Skin Diseases.pdf
Kalaaji AN - Mayo Clinic Atlas of Immunofluorescence in Dermatology (Mayo Clinic, 2006).pdf
Kelly AP - Dermatology for Skin of Color (McGraw-Hill 2009).pdf
Lecture Notes on - Dermatology (8e, Blackwell, 2002).pdf
Maio M - The Male Patient in Aesthetic Medicine (Springer, 2009).pdf

Ear Nose Throat and Head & Neck Surgery

Bailey BJ - Head & Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology (4E, Lippincott, 2006).CHM
Moffat D - Recent Advances in Otolaryngology 8 (Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2008).pdf
Nadol JB - Surgery of the Ear and Temporal Bone (2e, LWW, 2005).chm
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America - Laryngeal Cancer (Vol 41, Issue 4, Elsevier, 2008).pdf
Pasha R - Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Clinical Reference Guide (Singular Thomson Learning).pdf

First Aid Series

First Aid for the Family Medicine Boards.pdf
First Aid for the Internal Medicine Boards.pdf
First Aid for the Medicine Clerkship.pdf
First Aid for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship.pdf
First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship.pdf
First Aid for the Surgery Clerkship.pdf


Wood P - Understanding Immunology (2e, Pearson, 2006).pdf

Internal Medicine

Lecture Notes on Clinical Medicine (6e, Blackwell, 2003).pdf
Palmer S - The Pratitioner's Handbook (Sage, 2008).pdf
Siegenthaler's Diffential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine (Thieme, 2007).pdf
U•X•L Encyclopedia of Diseases and Disorders (Gale, 2009).pdf


Danforth's Obstetrics & Gynecology (10e, LWW, 2008).chm
Gabbe SG - Obstetrics-Normal & Problem Pregnancies (5e, Mosby, 2007).chm
Hacker et al - Essentials of Obstetrics & Gynecology (4e, Elsevier, 2007).chm
Levine DA - Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology (Taylor & Francis, 2003).pdf
Paladini D - Ultrasound of Congenital Fetal Anomalies (Informa, 2007).pdf
Pfeifer SM - NMS Obstetrics & Gynecology (6e, LWW, 2008).CHM
Pickersgill A - Key Questions in Obstetrics & Gynecology MRCOG (2E, BIOS, 1999).pdf
Queenan JT - Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies (4E, Blackwell, 2005).pdf
Senanayake P - Atlas of Contraception (2E, Informa, 2008).pdf
The Jonh Hopkins Manual of Gynecology & Obstetrics (3E, LWW, 2006).CHM
Thilaganathan B - Problem Based Obstetric Ultrasound (Informa, 2007).pdf
Williams' Gynecology (McGraw-Hill, 2008).pdf


Brinton DA - Retinal Detachment (3e, Oxford, 2009).pdf
Francis V - The Healthy Eyes Activity Books-a Health Teaching Book for Primary Schools (2e, Sight.pdf
Spinelli HM - Atlas of Aesthetic Eyelid & Periocular Surgery (Saunders, 2004).pdf


Rosen's Breast Pathology (3e, Lippincott, 2009).chm


Avner ED - Pediatric Nephrology (6e, Springer, 2009).pdf
Baren JM - Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Saunders, 2008).pdf
Bartlett A - Breastwork-Rethinking Breastfeeding (UNSW Press, 2005).pdf
NeoReviews 2009 08.pdf
Rudolph's Pediatrics (21e, McGraw-Hill, 2003).CHM
Unicef - Maternal & Newborn Health-The State of The World's Children 2009 (Unicef, 2009).pdf


Amara SG - Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry & Pharmacology (Springer, 2008).pdf
Jambhekar SS - Basic Pharmacokinetics (Pharmaceutical Press, 2009).pdf
Javid F - Clinical Physiology & Pharmacology-The Essentials (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Litwack G - Steroids (Academic Press, 1994).pdf
Stevens SD - Deadly Doses-A Writer's Guide to Poisons (Writer's Digest Books, 1990).pdf
The Daschner Guide to In-Hospital Antibiotic Therapy (Springer, 2009).pdf
Wilson CN - Adenosine Receptors in Health & Disease (Springer, 2009).pdf


Aziz O - Hospital Surgery-foundations in surgical practice (Cambridge, 2009).pdf
Bangash MYH - Trauma-an Engineering Analysis (Springer 2006).pdf
Norton JA - Surgery-Basic Science & clinical Evidence (2e, Springer, 2008).pdf
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery (17e, Elsevier, 2007).chm
Temporal Bone Dissection (The ZURICH Guidelines).pdf

Surgery\Orthopaedics Surgery

Banaszkiewicz PA - Postgraduate Orthopaedics (Cambridge, 2009).pdf
Baumgarten KM - Arthroscopic Knot Tying (LWW, 2005).chm
Bronner F - Bone & Osteoarthritis (Springer, 2007).pdf
Cyriax P - Orthopaedic Medicine-a practical approach (2e, Butterworth Heinemann, 2005).pdf
Gelberman RH - The Wrist-Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (2e, LWW, 2002).chm
Gross JM - Musculoskeletal Examination (3e, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009).pdf
Koval KJ - Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgery-a multimedia reference (LWW, 2004).chm
Spouge AR - Practical MRI of The Foot & Ankle (CRC, 2001).pdf

Surgery\Plastic Surgery

Kryger ZB - Practical Plastic Surgery (Landes, 2007).pdf
Larrabee WF - Surgical Anatomy of the Face (2e, LWW, 2004).chm
Panpilov DE - Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic (Springer, 2007).pdf
Rugiu PS - A History of Plastic Surgery (Springer, 2007).pdf

Surgery\Urologic Surgery

Brewster S - Urology a Handbook for Medical Students (BIOS, 2001).pdf
De La Rosette J - Imaging in Oncology Urology (Springer, 2009).pdf
Eardley I - Drug Treatment in Urology (Blackwell, 2006).pdf
Gill IS - Textbook of Laparoscopic Urology (Informa, 2006).pdf
Gillenwater - Adult and Pediatric Urology (4e, Lippincott, 2002).pdb
H Wessells - Urological Emergencies (Humana Press, 2005).pdf
Hohenfellner R - Advanced Urologic Surgery (3e, Blackwell, 2005).pdf
Hricak H - Prostate Cancer (Cambridge, 2009).pdf
J de la Rosette - Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery in Malignancies (Springer, 2005).pdf
JD Frank - Operative Pediatric Urology (2e, Churchill Livingstone, 2002).pdf
John H - Robotic Urology (Springer, 2008).pdf
Kaplan SA - Minimally Invasive Procedure Urology (Taylor, 2005).pdf
Klein EA - Management of Prostate Cancer (2e, Humana, 2004).pdf
M Hohenfellner - Emergencies in Urology (Springer, 2007).pdf
Mulcahy JJ - Male Sexual Function (2e, Humana, 2006).pdf
Oxford Handbook of Urology (1e, Oxford, 2006).chm
PF Bassi - Invasive Bladder Cancer (Springer, 2007).pdf
Potts JM - Genitourinary Pain and Inflammation (Humana, 2008).pdf
R Hohenfellner - Manual Endourology, Training for Residents (Springer, 2005).pdf
Ramalingam M - Operative Atlas of Laparoscopic Reconstructive Urology (Springer, 2009).pdf
S Jordan - Reconstructive Urethral Surgery (Springer, 2006).pdf
Siroky - Manual of Urology Diagnosis and Therapy (2e, Lippincott).pdb
Smith's General Urology (17e, McGrawHill, 2008).pdf
Thomas DF - Essentials of Paediatric Urology (2e, Informa, 2008).pdf
U Kumar - Tips & Tricks in Laparoscopic Urology (Springer, 2007).pdf


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